
Discover international money transfer with illicocash. What’s in it for you?

Discover International Money Transfer With illicocash

illicocash is the first mobile wallet in the DRC to allow its customers to do cross border mobile money transfers in and out of the DRC. Directly available on your mobile screen, and from/ to different countries worldwide, discover many of its benefits:

Reach and accessibility. Living in a remote area will no longer constitute an obstacle for you to make international money transfers. From any location in the DRC to different countries in the world, and vice versa, you can now make international money transfers with only few clicks on your mobile screen. Log in to the illicocash application, fill in sender and beneficiary details, enter the amount to be transferred, select the reason for the transfer, confirm the transaction, and you are set. Reach and geographical flexibility are one reason why international money transfers via illicocash are gaining ground. Barriers to international transactions are fading away: you can transfer funds to a friend in Europe or partner with a business in Asia; you can send and receive funds to/ from numerous countries worldwide. Use illicocash’s international money transfer feature to expand your reach and possibilities, and be part of a global world.

Convenience. You no longer need to do unnecessary trips to the bank, and wait for a long time in queues. Make your international money transfer any time, 24/7, from anywhere to anywhere.

Speed. International money transfers via illicocash can be often executed in few minutes. You will appreciate this practicality, especially in urgent situations where access to the funds is needed immediately. That’s another good reason for you to use illicocash’s international money transfer feature, and to abandon the slower and more complicated traditional bank transfers.

Flexibility. illicocash allows you to do international money transfers in different ways that would suit your beneficiary: to a bank account, to an e-wallet account or by simple cash retrieval. You have the flexibility to select the preferred transfer mode by selecting the appropriate option on your mobile screen.

Ease of use. illicocash’s international money transfer feature is, above all, easy to use. You will enjoy its user friendly interface, which will intuitively guide you step by step to do your international money transfers. Log in into the illicocash application and follow these steps:

  • Select “International Transfer” on your screen
  • Select the destination country
  • Enter the transfer amount
  • Select the type of account to which you would like to transfer money (bank account, e-wallet account or cash retrieval)
  • Enter your beneficiary details, and select a payer from the list
  • Enter the reason for your transfer
  • Confirm and enter your pin code
  • And here you go, your transaction is completed!

Competitive rates and fees. illicocash offers competitive transfer rates and fees that are transparently communicated to you. illicocash is not only your user-friendly app, it is your budget-friendly one as well!

Security and fraud protection. Security is a major concern when transferring money internationally. illicocash utilizes advanced security protocols to protect your data and ensure safe financial transactions. Enjoy our services with peace of mind!

Use illicocash’s international money transfer to expand your reach. It is convenient, quick, flexible, easy and secure.